Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chaos Patch Information

Return of the Hero

SP Reset
Everyone received an SP reset.

For people starting new, they received cash equips and items when they attain a certain level.

DBs, however, also got 4 mastery books from this event.
Slash Storm 20, Tornado Spin 20, Flying Assaulter 20, and Mirror Image 30.

Gaga gives a quest for a special item. Within the event period, you have to level up 40 times from when you start the quest. The quest starts at level 40.

Adventurers: Adventurer Rings
Knights of Cygnus: Holy Wing Earring
Resistance: Resistance Lux Ring
Aran: Lilin’s Aura Ring
Evan: Onyx Dragon Glasses
Dual Blade: Blood Mask

Other than the adventurer rings, they all add +3 all, +3 W.ATK, and +3 M.ATK

These items cannot be worn over existing job items, [E.g. Lilin's Aura Ring + Lilin's Ring] and you can only trade the items once to another character within the account.

I wonder if Lilin's Ring + Resistance Lux Ring works...or other combinations...

Note - All these are from KMS. Whether GMS gets them or not is unknown. Big chance we will though. xD

---------- Skill Changes ----------
There's also a ton of skill changes to all classes.
It really is a big amount of text, so I'm not going to post all of it here. I'll just post DBs.

Dual Blader Skill Changes

Note: The Sudden Raid skill has been deleted in this update.

-- Blade Recruit --
Katara Mastery
Accuracy: 60 --> 120
Triple Stab
Damage: 160% --> 110%

-- Blade Acolyte --
Fatal Blow
Damage: 110% --> 85%
Slash Storm
Damage: 230% --> 190%

-- Blade Specialist --
Tornado Spin
1st Part: Damage: 250% --> 300%
2nd Part: Number of monsters decreased from 8 to 6
Flash Bang
Master level: 20 --> 5
The rest is still the same. [Damage: 160%, 80% chance to reduce accuracy by 85% for 20 sec. Cooldown: 55 sec]
Upper Stab
Moved to 3rd job. [Blade Lord (Level 70 advancement) to Blade Specialist (Level 55 advancement)]
Damage: 240% on 6 monsters and 70% additional damage to airborne monsters.

-- Blade Lord --
Advanced Dark Sight
49% chance to stay in Dark Sight after attacking. When you take damage, there is a 20% chacne that your damage increases by 50%.
Vital Steal [NEW SKILL!]
Recover HP when you're attacking a monster.
Vital Steal (Passive)
Description: Recover HP when you’re attacking a monster.
Level 1: 1% Chance, 1% damage recovered as HP.
Level 2: 1% Chance, 2% damage recovered as HP.
Level 3: 2% Chance, 3% damage recovered as HP.
Level 4: 2% Chance, 4% damage recovered as HP.
Level 5: 3% Chance, 5% damage recovered as HP.
Level 6: 3% Chance, 6% damage recovered as HP.
Level 7: 4% Chance, 7% damage recovered as HP.
Level 8: 4% Chance, 8% damage recovered as HP.
Level 9: 5% Chance, 9% damage recovered as HP.
Level 10: 5% Chance, 10% damage recovered as HP.

--Blade Master --
Sharpness [NEW SKILL!]
Like old Thorns, but is a passive skill. [Not a party skill/buff]
Description: Increases the success rate of critical attack damage and minimum critical damage.
Level 1: Critical Rate +7%, Minimum Critical Damage +2%
Level 2: Critical Rate +9%, Minimum Critical Damage +4%
Level 3: Critical Rate +11%, Minimum Critical Damage +6%
Level 4: Critical Rate +13%, Minimum Critical Damage +8%
Level 5: Critical Rate +15%, Minimum Critical Damage +10%
Level 6: Critical Rate +17%, Minimum Critical Damage +12%
Level 7: Critical Rate +19%, Minimum Critical Damage +14%
Level 8: Critical Rate +21%, Minimum Critical Damage +16%
Level 9: Critical Rate +23%, Minimum Critical Damage +18%
Level 10: Critical Rate +25%, Minimum Critical Damage +20%

Final Cut
Note - Passive effect appears to have been removed.
1st Part:
HP Cost: 45% --> 20%
Damage Boost: 200% --> 140%
Duration: 44 sec --> 40 sec
Cooldown: 90 --> 60
Now has a 15% chance to deal instant death.
2nd Part:
Cooldown: Changed back to 90.

Monster Bomb
1st Part: Damage: 1380% --> 1100%
2nd Part: Damage changed to 1650%

Blade Fury [NEW SKILL!]
Description: Spin fast to attack monsters around you.
Level 1: MP: 40, Damage: 136% x3 on up to 3 enemies
Level 20: MP: 55, Damage: 155% x3 on up to 5 enemies
Level 30: MP: 65, Damage: 165% x3 on up to 6 enemies

In the 1st part, it was 180%, later changed in 165% in the 2nd part.

Phantom Blow [NEW SKILL!]
Description: Create a fatal attack to a monster.
Level 1: MP: 30, attacks 6 times with 76% damage ignoring 20% of the monsters' defense
Level 20: MP: 30, attacks 6 times with 95% damage ignoring 20% of the monsters' defense
Level 30: MP: 30, attacks 6 times with 105% damage ignoring 20% of the monsters' defense

In the 1st part, it was 110% damage, later changed to 105% and 20% ignore defense in the 2nd part.

Thorns [CHANGED]
No longer gives critical and minimum critical damage.
Description: Weapon attack buff and stance effect.
Level 1: MP: 40, +1 Weapon Attack and 32% chance to not be knocked back. Duration: 90 sec
Level 10: MP: 50, +10 Weapon Attack and 50% chance to not be knocked back. Duration: 130 sec
Level 15: MP: 60, +15 Weapon Attack and 60% chance to not be knocked back. Duration: 150 sec
Level 20: MP: 70, +20 Weapon Attack and 70% chance to not be knocked back. Duration: 170 sec
Level 30: MP: 90, +30 Weapon Attack and 90% chance to not be knocked back. Duration: 210 sec

Technological Age

New Profession System
It replaces the old maker skill and has much more. You can create potions by Alchemy and tons of new equips from Blacksmithing and Jewel Crafting. [Such as the Dark Angelic Ring]

Gathering Professions
Herbalists can harvest plants that have sprung up in several maps, collecting their seeds and flowers to create oils used for Alchemist potions.

Similar to herbalists, but you mine rocks for ores and stuff. You refine the ores for BlackSmith and Jewel Crafting.

Creation Professions
This job just seems like an update for the maker skill o.o.. Anyways, you can create armor and weapons from any job or class, throwing stars, bullets and arrows. You can also make Androids. Not sure what those do yet. You have to pick Miner to unlock this as a second profession.

Jewel Crafting
Peope who choose this path can create accessories, which include face accessories, earrings, rings, pendants, belts, and shoulderpads. You have to pick Miner to unlock this as a second profession.

This profession allows a character to brew powerful potions, whose effects range from restoring health to powerful buffs and transformations.[Giant Potion? ]
This character can:
1) Disassemble equips to create item crystals. You can also create a fish tank like npc for people to disassemble their equips into item crystals.
2) Combine two of the same equips to randomize its stats, including the possibility of having a hidden potential
You must first choose the Herbalist profession to unlock Alchemist as their second profession.

After selecting a profession, you can switch to another one for a fee and you have to start back at Level 1.

There is also a fatigue system for professions.

Creating an item through Mining or Herbalism increases fatigue by 1.
Creating an item through the Alchemist profession increases fatigue by 3
Creating items through Black Smith or Jeweler professions increases fatigue by 5
You can accumulate up to 100 fatigue before you have to stop doing profession related activities.
You can buy potions for 300k and 1M that reduce your fatigue. [The potion for 300k decreases fatigue by 5 and the other by 10] You can only use 3 of these a day.
You lose 5 fatigue per hour.

Possible professions: Miner+Blacksmith, Miner+Jewel Crafter, Herbalist+Alchemist

Ore Refining
To refine ores, you need 2-6 ores of that kind. [The amount depends on what ore you're refining] You also need a mold. [The type of mold depends on which ore you're refining. You can purchase them from an npc] I believe you also make magic powders this way. Not sure about this.
Here's a list of required amount of ores:
2 Ores: Opal, Silver, Orihalcon, Amethyst
3 Ores: Steel, Sapphire, Adamatium, Bronze
4 Ores: Mithril, Emerald, Gold, Topaz, DEX
5 Ores: Diamond, Aquamarine, POWER
6 Ores: DARK, Black Crystal, Lidium, LUK, WISDOM

Recipes and Items
A lot of recipes can be bought from NPCs in the Profession Map, but the better ones have to be found from monsters.

As a general rule, all equips over the level of 100 require recipes, as well as a few special equips, such as the Angelic Rings.

There's a list of where recipes drop here. Recipe Drop List

About the Angelic Rings: I believe there's an event for it when profession comes out that gives the recipe for them. Level 5 - Angelic Ring, Level 10 - Dark Angelic Ring.
The Angelic Ring gives +5 ATK/M.ATK buff and the Dark Angelic Ring gives 10.
Angelic Blessing Ring (Level 30)
25 Bronze Plate
10 Mid Grade Varnish (From NPC)
10 Intermediate Item Crystal (70-90)
25 Adamantium Plate
Dark Angelic Blessing Ring (Level 70)
20 LUK Crystal
10 Super Abrasive Varnish (From NPC)
10 Advanced Item Crystal (130+)
20 Lidium
20 Wisdom Crystal

Item Crystals: Disassemble items of the appropriate level. These are NOT the same ones we have now. Only Alchemists are capable of disassembling items on their own. They can also create a Disassembler item that allows other people to disassemble their items. [There are 40-60, 70-90, 100-120, 130+ item crystals.] I don't think there are equips you can make that are below level 40.

So, if you dissamble a level 40 bow, you get a 40-60 crystal.
Note - There's a chance when disassembling to get a higher level item crystal. Taking the example from above, you could possibly get a 70-90 crystal from a level 40 bow.
This is how you would get 130+ crystals.

Plants and Ores: Can be picked or mined in areas for level 30+. There are a variety of different plants and rocks in these maps that, if you hold NPC Chat by them, will drop a plant or ore, provided that you are of the correct profession (Miner or Herbalist) and have the correct tools (shovel or pickaxe).

Proof of Investment: From PVP. From the recipes I see, the higher level equips need quite a few of these. [Up to 37-ish..]

How to get Proof of Investment: PVP [Scroll down for more info]

For all those who don't want to read that.

Professions: Miner+Blacksmith, Miner+Jewel Crafter, Herbalist+Alchemist
Ores: 2-6 ores for refining.
You can accumulate up to 100 fatigue before you can't do anymore.
Equips over 100 requires recipes, except for a few.


PVP finally hits Maplestory! Although, from the looks of it, it might be broken and unbalanced.

There are 4 different channels and 3 modes.

The channels are for different leveled players. [30+, 70+, 120+, 180+]
Potential items are nullified in all channels except for 180+

•Lv. 30 or higher is required and you can only use skills up to 2nd job
•Evan can use skills up to 5th mastery

Super Rookie
•Lv. 70 or higher is required and you can only use skills up to 3rd job
•Evan can use skills up to 8th mastery

•Lv. 120 or higher is required and you can use all skills

•Lv. 180 or higher is required and you can use all skills
•Potential items are not nullified in this channel!

You can enter any channel that you fit in. [E.g. A level 153 could enter Rookie, Super Rookie, and Major]

The 3 modes are Survival, Team Match and Ice Knight.

• Max. players: 8
• Need at least 4 players to start
• 10 minutes long
• You CANNOT pick your own rooms or your own maps. Everything is random.
• There are buffs that you can pick up inside:
Blue/Red Hearts: Increase MP/HP by 30%
Shield: Increase defense over a period of time
Winged Shoes: Increase speed over a period of time.
There's another buff that decreases your HP/MP. [No idea what it looks like.]

Red ? Box: Random buff.
From Spadow: It can transform you into a random monster which is bad because your speed will decrease and players might attack you. It can also add 10 points to your score, increase the amount of score gets doubled or one minute, you can be invincible for a period of time and more random effects.

Team Match
• Max. players: 10? [Not sure]
• Need at least 3 players in each team to start
• 10 minutes long
• 2 Teams : Maple Red and Maple Blue
• Team with highest score wins

Ice Knight
Scroll down for more info!

Battle Points and Proof of Investments
When you PVP, you gain Battle Points (BP) when you finish. [I think its your score in PVP divided by 10 (E.g. Score: 1031 = 103BP)]
You can then trade in BP for Proofs.
[500 BP = 1 Proof, 1500BP = 4 Proofs, 2500BP = 7 Proofs]

There's an NPC that sells items for Proof of Investments. You also need them for making equips. [Profession System]

[6/14/2011] Hacking Spree on Maplestory.

Oh lawd. Someone call the cavalry. There has been a HUGE inflation in the amount of dupers at the moment.

According to random leechers in game, they say certain sites that are affiliated with hackers have released a public version of map crash. Now everyone and their mothers are currently attempting to crash the map. Hotspots like Henesys and the FM should be avoided at this time.

Surprisingly Nexon has recently put out a service announcement that a maintenance would be put into effect shortly to address the issue.

For anyone that is having trouble logging into the game or getting the dreaded Error 5 code understand that it is NOT your fault. Its just the Maple client being shut down on you by map crashers.

Just stay away from the mentioned hot spots and you should be fine. For those of you stuck on those maps ~_~ hopefully Nexon will have you guys fixed up in no time.

Stay tuned for more info on the situation. In the mean time just search some forums or something.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One hundred followers

Thanks guys. I finally hit the 100 follower bench mark.

This blog wouldn't have been as interesting without all of you!

Once again thanks for following this blog. I'll do my best to serve all your Maplestory needs.

Ahh the Good times

What I love about Maple. That there community.

The first time I played Maple I had an AWESOME time. The moment I joined the game the feel of it just awed me. That feeling of adventure could be whiffed about like blossoms in a summer afternoon. It truly made me appreciate how online MMOs could bring people from all cultures and backgrounds together.
What truly got me was how everyone was in a giving mood. People left and right offered to help me start out simply because I was a new character.
There were random "drop games" that occurred every so often and even small minis games like omok that caught my attention.

But the best part?
The team training. It was all coordinated and everyone in a party had a role to do. There were rarely any slackers because everyone had one goal to accomplish. To Level up. During those team trainings everyone not only leveled at amazing speeds but we all got to know each other a little bit better. We find that training goes so much faster when working together and we also find how all the different classes mesh perfectly together.
Heres an illustrated pic of my Ranger a LOONG time ago.

You see dem smiles?

My Ranger was the DPM outputter in that training session. He solely focussed on killing monsters while the Bishop provided and EXP boost called HS and ulted monsters at the same time. His ult not only hit the whole map but it dealt tremendous damage. However its very slow in terms of casting and has a 30 second cooldown. That is where guys like me come in to mop up any remaining monsters left alive. 

For my next post I'll try bossing :D That requires A LOT of skill to pull off but I think my guild can manage.
You guys looking forward to it?
Actually heres a pic of Horntail. a TOUGH SOB...

Thats Tsubasa and his guild. Quite famous guild actually. I hope to be like him someday :D

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Suggestion regarding class changes

If you haven't noticed, Nexon has been trying to balance the various classes lately. But it isn't working. And it's annoying.

They need to realize when to STOP, instead of constantly remaking the classes every few months. It's getting ridiculous. Instead of balancing properly, they are overpowering one class at a time (NOTE: mage/warrior/etc Jump patches). This will lead to a cycle of endless "balancing" since each time they remake it a class it is stronger than many other classes.

The solution would be to make ONE big balancing patch... and actually BALANCE for once.

It is annoying to play a game where, if I make a character because of the skills/abilities/etc it has, I have no guarantee that my character will maintain ANY of those qualities. I made an I/L mage because mages used to be the training class. Ultimates gave the fastest leveling in the game back then. Now, Nexon made blizzard useless and turned mages into a completely useless job: bad at bossing + bad at leveling. I get more exp/hr (no, I don't mean %/hr) on a 11x hermit than on my archmage. In the future, mages will be good at bossing with the Jump patch. But did I ever WANT to boss on my mage? Is that what I was thinking about when I created my character? No.

Job advancements are now like the stock market; you have no idea on how your job will change in the next giant update.


Yes some people are saying that this is a method of attracting new players. However, if this was the case couldn't one argue that Nexon is forgetting about the older generation of players who supported Nexon all these years?

I've personally got friends who have spent years trying to get their character up to Lvl 200 only to get trumped by a newer player. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Some issues nexon should deal with. pt 2.




Anyone that’s spent enough time online to realize what’s what in MapleStory knows it's a corrupt game. I can't say for certain that my items were all bought from legitimate sellers or I've never partied with a user that has a history of abuse. It is also clear that the game hasn't prospered because of these continuing incidents, and the community itself is also suffering.

I'm not writing to guilt those that borrow and use hacking software, buy in game currency illegally, or partake in exploits or any other activities against what the publisher, Nexon, warrants. I'm not here to convince everyone to play by the rules. This thread is merely to shed light on recent events, create a better understanding as to how everyone’s individual decisions in the community impact the game as a whole, and to dilute some of the frustration and blame that’s being thrown around without real thought.

Nexon sees this poison as it happens, and the publisher itself can't be put at fault. They continually have to deal with the game developers contributing game additions with weak scripting, have to manage multi-million user servers protected by the outside bypass-prevention software HackShield, and at the same time manage this community of millions worldwide. As a publisher they are very restricted. Their role is pleasing everyone to maximize profit, an impossible task. Serious matters have to be handled with extreme caution and decision making, whether it hurts the players or not. Community displeasure equates to a loss of company revenue, by no means are they ignoring the issues and shrugging it off, there's only so much intervention you can do when dealing with this many players in a fragile economy and unstable online game.

It's understandable that a majority of hacking and exploit abuse is manufactured to attain personal gain and create a virtual currency exchange, leading to real world profit. These are million-dollar companies and private organized people, profiting off corrupting online games, sites, and services. Cyber crime and cyber warfare is growing into a more serious problem with a growing technological dependence. It's these harmful online companies and organized groups, being run internationally and under the radar, that are seriously damaging virtual internet businesses. It’s hard to prevent such happenings when little can be done to combat it.

Games are merely entertainment, whether you choose to pay for this entertainment is subjective. The level of commitment and involvement varies, as does the level of respect and accordance with which the rules this game and its terms of service sets. These standards are in place for this simple basis: there is always an equal and opposite reaction; the abuse from one user is typically the disadvantage and inequality of another. Personal, selfish abuse of the game benefits the abuser, but harms everyone else who holds the ideals that fair play still means something. Being an honest and abiding player to me isn't about honor or pride, it's about the perspective that through avoiding lying, cheating, and stealing in any situation will bring the same self-fulfillment, without corrupting or inconveniencing others. It's the belief that success should always be earned.

MapleStory’s slogan used to be “It’s your story”. Some people took that a little beyond what was implied. Hacking or any form of exploiting or cheating is like if you cheat at a board game against a younger sibling. You’ll probably always win. But that little brother or sister, the one that just wants to spend time with you while having fun, is always losing. And chances are that game means a lot more to them. So remember: It’s not just your story.



Monday, June 6, 2011

Post Chaos Patch DPM Overview

First off DPM (Damage Per Minute) has been determined using APPROXIMATE values.
Second these are not entirely accurate, just assumptions based on even more assumptions
However, utilizing KMS data these are the numbers that have been determined for post Chaos Maplestory.

Happy Mapling~ 

<Damage Per Minute>
Formula #1: Maximum Damage Range X Overall D%PM
Formula #2: (Minimum Damage Range + Maximum Damage Range) / 2 X Direct D%PM + Maximum Damage Range X DoT D%PM

<Skill Delay>
Skill Delay = Normal Delay X (10 + Weapon Speed + Booster Bonus) / 16
Magician's spell cast speed is always 6.
Booster bonus are always negative. Usually they -2 or -3 speed.
Then round that value to the nearest 30ms.

<Weapon Multiplier>
The higher the weapon multiplier is, the higher damage the class' damage range will be compare to other classes when both have the same basic stats and weapon attack.
For example, a Night Lord with 100 Weapon Attack, 500 LUK, 50 DEX will have higher damage range than a Bow Master with 100 Weapon Attack, 500 DEX, 50 STR, because Night Lord's multiplier is higher.

Mastery determines what the minimum damage range is.
Mastery = Innitial Mastery + Mastery Gain From Skills
Innitial Mastery: 15% (Range), 20% (Melee), 25% (Magic)
Mastery% X Maximum Damage Range = Minimum Damage Range.

<Direct D%PM>
The total amount of D%PM is the direct damage % a class can do per minute.

<DoT D%PM>
The DoT D%PM is the the damage % cause by damage over time effect per minute.

<Overall D%PM>
Overall D%PM Formula: (Mastery% + 100%) / 2 X Direct D%PM + DoT D%PM X 100%
Overall D%PM is the average damage% a class can deal per minute.

<Funding Effectiveness>
Funding Effectiveness Formula: Overall D%PM X Weapon Multiplier
See the definition below

Funding Effectiveness

Before you look at the ranking below, I want you to know that the second ranking is more realistic for highly funded characters.

What is Funding Effectiveness?
1)Funding Effectiveness determines how much the class is benefit by stats gain from funding. The higher funding effectiveness a class has, the more benefit the class from stat bonuses.
2)With the same amount of weapon attack / magic attack, primary stat, and secondary stat, the class with a higher funding effectiveness will have a higher DPM.
3)With equal weapon attack / magic attack, primary stat, and secondary stat. Class A's DPM / Class B's DPM = Class A's Funding Effectiveness / Class B's Funding Effectiveness. Don't believe me? Check the calculation below.


Formula of Maximum Damage Range: Maximum Damage Range = Multiplier * (4 * Primary Stat + Secondary Stat) * (Attack / 100)

Let's say both NL and sair have 800 primary stat, 100 secondary stat, and 100 attack.

NL's Maximum Damage Range = 1.75 * (4 * 800 + 100) * (100 / 100) = 5775
Sair's Maximum Damage Range = 1.50 * (4 * 800 + 100) * (100 / 100) = 4950

Now use their maximum damage range to multiply by Overall D%PM.
NL's DPM: 5775 X 156063.759% = 9,012,682 (round up to whole)
Sair's DPM: 4950 X 239282.748% = 11,844,496 (round up to whole)

11,844,496 / 9,012,682 = 1.3142 (round up to ten thousandth), now we can see sair's DPM is 1.3142 times as NL's DPM.
3589.24 / 2731.12 = 1.3142 (round up to ten thousandth), as you see, the ratio (1.3142 : 1) is exactly the same.
Therefore, we can conclude, at equal primary stat, secondary stat, and attack, sair's DPM always 1.3142 times as much as NL's.

Still don't believe me? Give both classes the same exact primary stat, secondary stat, and attack, then follow these formulas and do it yourself:

Maximum Damage Range = Multiplier * (4 * Primary Stat + Secondary Stat) * (Attack / 100)
DPM = Maximum Damage Range X Overall D%PM
Class A's DPM / Class B's DPM = Class A's Funding Effectiveness / Class B's Funding Effectiveness

Rank by Overall D%PM (D%PM =/= DPM)

1. Bow Master - 275736.593%
2. Arch Mage (Ice / Lightning) (UE) 262336.875%
3. Arch Mage (Ice / Lightning) (Regular) - 262040.996%
4. Corsair - 239382.748%
5. Marksman (Speed of 5) - 238158.464%
6. Marksman (Speed of 6) - 229786.97%
7. Wild Hunter - 200727.817%
8. Bishop (UE) - 182700.108%
9. Bishop (Regular) - 181107.879%
10. Evan - 168317.278%
11. Night Lord - 156063.759%
12. Buccaneer - 95207.5794%

Rank by Funding Effectiveness (A More Realistic Ranking)

1. Corsair - 3590.74
2. Bow Master - 3584.58
3. Marksman (Speed of 5) - 3215.14
4. Marksman (Speed of 6) - 3102.12
5. Night Lord - 2731.12
6. Wild Hunter - 2709.83
7. Arch Mage (Ice / Lightning) (UE) - 2623.37
8. Arch Mage (Ice / Lightning) (Regular) - 2620.41
9. Bishop (UE) - 1827
10. Bishop (Regular) - 1811.08
11. Evan - 1683.17
12. Buccaneer - 1618.53

Random Unrelated Bush pic =)

Some issues nexon should deal with

Lately on Maplestory many users have experienced a HUGE flurry of exploiters attacking the game.
This being said many people may ponder as to what Nexon is doing at the moment. The only answer to this question can be summed up in a recent quote by Hime posted on the Nexon forums:

"Please be patient, we are doing everything in our power to solve individual player complaint issues at the moment. Due to our backlog and current log of requests future complaints will be handled at a later date. Please stay up to date for furture information regarding this matter."

Now, taking in the above message, one might be compelled to see through the (BS) and confidently say that Nexon is currently doing NOTHING to solve issues regarding Maplestory atm.

Well NEXON here is currently what us happening to YOUR beloved game. MESO duping, Enhancement hacks, and item duping on a mass scale.

Not convinced? Heres some proof for ya.

So what do you users think?
Think all this duping and exploiting warrants quick and decisive action by Nexon?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hackers on a FREE game.

Seriously why ruin it for everyone.
There really is no logic for ruining a free 2-D game just to make a couple of bucks here and there.

Traits to look for.

Remind you that a TYPICAL hacker is:
-a Warrior
-Got low lvled equips (such as; lv 35 overall, low lvled sword etc.)
-Low fame

Perfect Ex:

So this is how it work kids.
Even if a guy choose to be all that kind of stuff mention above, doesnt mean that hes a hacker.

NX-less, well sir. What if iam not a NX-hoar?

Low fame, well sir. What if i lvl fast or aint interested in having high fame.
This noob that called me a hacker had 90 fame and was lv 45..well not all of us uses 3 months to get to lv 45.. jerk.

Low lvled equips: Well, heard of dexless/low dex? Iam quite sure.
So i guess...all the lukless mages that uses lv 0 clothes are hackers?
Alright, so iam a warrior, we only need str for equips. But hey, i need the 4 extra dex from the overall nibsauce.

Random cute Maplestory videos.

Saint Saver?

Courtesy of Spadow from Spadow Blog.

As a Saint Saver I have been given rewards for doing my duties. I got the last reward today.
If you don’t know what the Saint Saver event is, click here.
I purified more than 500 monsters and I got a stamp in my Attendance Book.
 If you get a stamp each day, starting from the 3rd day then you get a reward.
The last reward you can get is the Saint Saver Earring.
+3 to STR, DEX, INT and LUK
+200 MaxHP and MaxMP
+80 Magic Defense
+100 Accuracy and Avoidability
+10 Speed
+10 Jump
Number of upgrades available: 7
It is an untradeable item but it is possible to make it tradeable to your other characters with the new cash item ‘Share Name Tag‘.
The Share Name Tag has yet to be released, but it is sort of a Scissor of Karma.
It can only make items tradeable if the item says it can through the Share Name Tag.
So far you can only use it on the Saint Saver earring. Knowing Nexon’s interest in money, they will probably make a lot of use from this cash item.
Equip the Saint Saver earring and your Craft, Charisma, Insight, Will, Sense and Magic experience will increase by +40.
Finally my Sense leveled up to 2. Hahaha~
Yesterday, the test server has been updated with a new Adventurer Pirate class, the Cannon Shooter.
I only tried some skills at level 10 because I experienced lag yesterday.
While I was searching topics about the Cannon Shooter on insoya, I came across this topic that said something about the artwork of the Pirate class.
Ever since this piece of artwork was released since the release of the Pirate class in 2007, I always thought that the Infighter on the right side, was wearing a bag.
My thought about that bag has now changed with the appearance of the Cannon Shooter class.
I think what’s inside the bag is the hand cannon.
I guess Nexon had the idea of using a cannon for a new Pirate class in mind since 2007…?
Also, PvP is disabled in the test server. An NPC says that it is coming soon.

Scrolling items in Maplestory. Making the right decision.

Definition of a Scroll Outcome

There are two possible outcomes of a scroll: success or failure. For Dark (Cursed) Scrolls, there is a subdivision of outcomes for the failure outcome: destruction or no destruction. The outcomes of scrolls can be described as statistical events.
Events are independent for scrolls, meaning that the outcome of one scroll does not effect the outcome of any other scroll.

Parameters of Calculations
These calculations and probabilities are based on statistics, and thus we assume inferential conditions when we perform calculations. Therefore, when we come to conclusions using this guide, we must assume that the population, N, is large, among other conditions. Unfortunately, these conditions are not always true for certain scrolls, as they are just too rare. However, for our purposes, insufficient conditions do not have a large effect on our inferences.
Furthermore, there is debate whether or not scrolls in MapleStory are randomized. After all, MapleStory uses computerized randomization, which can never be truly random.
iAstronomy: In real life, this may be the case, but as you all may know, MapleStory is programmed, and thus, made with a computer. Likewise, a computer cannot really be random, because it uses seeds to determine probability, and changes seeds every time the quota is full.

Using the same methods of randomization we assume MapleStory to use, I have written a scrolling simulation program in C and found that as the number of scrolls I used increased, the closer the ratio of successes to scrolls used came to the true ratio, consistent with the Law of Large Numbers. This means that, for our purposes, computer randomization is sufficiently random to use the following statistical analyses.
(PM me for source code or an executable to the command line based scrolling simulator.)

Probabilities of Single Events

The following are percentages (proportions) on scroll successes and failures of 1 event.

100% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 1.0, 100%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

90% Scroll - 60% used with Vega's Spell
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.9, 90%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.1, 10%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

70% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.7, 70%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.15, 15%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.15, 15%

60% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.6, 60%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.4, 40%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

50% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.5, 50%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.50, 50%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

30% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.3, 30%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.35, 35%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.35, 35%

30% Scroll - 10% used with Vega's Spell
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.3, 30%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.7, 70%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

10% Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.1, 10%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.9, 90%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.0, 0%

Apparently, there is some confusion on the destruction probabilities for Dark (Cursed) Scrolls:

"Every time I use a dark scroll, there is a 50% chance that the item will break."
Incorrect. This misconception is probably due to the unclear wording in the description of the scroll. In truth, there is a 50% chance that the item breaks if the scroll fails. For example, a 30% scroll has a 70% chance of failure (1 - 0.3 = 0.7). 50% of the time it fails, which is 70% of the time, the item breaks. Thus we conclude that each time you use a 30% scroll, there is a 35% chance the item will break (0.7 / 2 = 0.35). Likewise, each time you use a 70% scroll, there is a 15% chance the item will break (0.3 / 2 = 0.15).

"Every time my dark scroll fails, my item is destroyed by 50%."
Incorrect. Again, this misconception is due to the unclear wording in the description of the scroll. Item breakage is an event, thus it is caused by one scrolling event. Also see above explanation.

Probabilities of Multiple Events

Multiple Events in Succession
To find out your chances of a certain grouping of events in a row, use the following method.
(probability)^n or (prob.)(prob.)(prob.), etc.

For example:
• What is the probability I will get 3 60% scrolls to work (in a row) ?
0.6 ^ 3, which equals 0.216.
There is a 21.6% chance that 3 consecutive 60% scrolls will work.

• What is the probability that I will get 1 30% and 2 70% scrolls to work (in a row) ?
0.3 x 0.7 ^ 2, which equals 0.147.
There is a 14.7% chance that 1 30% and 2 70% scrolls will work consecutively.

Table of Multiple, Consecutive Events; Success

100% Scroll
It will always work! Go figure.

90% Scroll - 60% used with Vega's Spell
n = Number of scrolls used.

70% Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.7, 70%
2 consecutive success: 0.49, 49%
3 consecutive success: 0.343, 34.3%
4 consecutive success: 0.2401, 24.01%
5 consecutive success: 0.16807, 16.807%
6 consecutive success: 0.117649, 11.7649%
7 consecutive success: 0.0823543, 8.23543%
8 consecutive success: 0.05764801, 5.764801%
9 consecutive success: 0.040353607, 4.0353607%
10 consecutive success: 0.0282475249, 2.82475249%

60% Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.6, 60%
2 consecutive success: 0.36, 36%
3 consecutive success: 0.216, 21.6%
4 consecutive success: 0.1296, 12.96%
5 consecutive success: 0.07776, 7.776%
6 consecutive success: 0.046656, 4.6656%
7 consecutive success: 0.0279936, 2.79936%
8 consecutive success: 0.01679616, 1.679616%
9 consecutive success: 0.010077696, 1.0077696%
10 consecutive success: 0.0060466176, 0.60466176%

50% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

30% Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.3, 30%
2 consecutive success: 0.09, 9%
3 consecutive success: 0.027, 2.7%
4 consecutive success: 0.0081, 0.81%
5 consecutive success: 0.00243, 0.243%
6 consecutive success: 0.000729, 0.0729%
7 consecutive success: 0.0002187, 0.02187%
8 consecutive success: 0.00006561, 0.006561%
9 consecutive success: 0.000019683, 0.0019683%
10 consecutive success: 0.0000059049, 0.00059049%

20% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

10% Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.1, 10%
2 consecutive success: 0.01, 1%
3 consecutive success: 0.001, 0.1%
4 consecutive success: 0.0001, 0.01%
5 consecutive success: 0.00001, 0.001%
6 consecutive success: 0.000001, 0.0001%
7 consecutive success: 0.0000001, 0.00001%
8 consecutive success: 0.00000001, 0.000001%
9 consecutive success: 0.000000001, 0.0000001%
10 consecutive success: 0.0000000001, 0.00000001% (Yikes!)

5% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

3% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

1% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

Table of Multiple, Consecutive Events; Failure

100% Scroll
It will never fail! Go figure.

90% Scroll - 60% used with Vega's Spell
n = Number of scrolls used.

70% Scroll
1 consecutive failure: 0.3, 30%
2 consecutive failure: 0.09, 9%
3 consecutive failure: 0.027, 2.7%
4 consecutive failure: 0.0081, 0.81%
5 consecutive failure: 0.00243, 0.243%
6 consecutive failure: 0.000729, 0.0729%
7 consecutive failure: 0.0002187, 0.02187%
8 consecutive failure: 0.00006561, 0.006561%
9 consecutive failure: 0.000019683, 0.0019683%
10 consecutive failure: 0.0000059049, 0.00059049%

60% Scroll
1 consecutive failure: 0.4, 40%
2 consecutive failure: 0.16, 16%
3 consecutive failure: 0.064, 6.4%
4 consecutive failure: 0.0256, 2.56%
5 consecutive failure: 0.01024, 1.024%
6 consecutive failure: 0.004096, 0.4096%
7 consecutive failure: 0.0016384, 0.16384%
8 consecutive failure: 0.00065536, 0.065536%
9 consecutive failure: 0.000262144, 0.0262144%
10 consecutive failure: 0.0001048576, 0.01048576%

30% Scroll
1 consecutive failure: 0.7, 70%
2 consecutive failure: 0.49, 49%
3 consecutive failure: 0.343, 34.3%
4 consecutive failure: 0.2401, 24.01%
5 consecutive failure: 0.16807, 16.807%
6 consecutive failure: 0.117649, 11.7649%
7 consecutive failure: 0.0823543, 8.23543%
8 consecutive failure: 0.05764801, 5.764801%
9 consecutive failure: 0.040353607, 4.0353607%
10 consecutive failure: 0.0282475249, 2.82475249%

20% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

10% Scroll
1 consecutive failure: 0.9, 90%
2 consecutive failure: 0.81, 81%
3 consecutive failure: 0.729, 72.9%
4 consecutive failure: 0.6561, 65.61%
5 consecutive failure: 0.59049, 59.049%
6 consecutive failure: 0.531441, 53.1441%
7 consecutive failure: 0.4782969, 47.82969%
8 consecutive failure: 0.43046721, 43.046721%
9 consecutive failure: 0.387420489, 38.7420489%
10 consecutive failure: 0.3486784401, 34.86784401%

5% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

3% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

1% Scroll
n = Number of scrolls used.

Multiple Events not in Succession
This is the most important statistical tool in determining scroll outcomes over a span of multiple scrolls. From this, we can determine the probability of x number of successes or failures out of n total, the expected outcome, and the expected yield. The equation to find this is complicated, and for one thing, I can't write it with correct notation here on the Basil forums because of the lack of a mathematics key set. However, if you own a TI-83 or higher model calculator, you can find these statistics using binompdf(n,prob.,x) (Credits to yoshidude65)

To find out your chances of a number of successes or fails from a group of scrolls, use the following method.
[n! / ((n-k)!k!)] x p^k x (1-p)^(n-k); whereas n represents the total scrolls used, k represents the number of successes or failures being questioned, and p represents the probability of the success or failure.

For example:
• What is the probability I will get 3 60% scrolls to work out of 5 total 60% scrolls?
[5! / ((5-3)!3!)] x (0.6)^3 x (0.4)^2, or binompdf(5,0.6,3) on your TI-83+ calculator.
There is a 34.56% chance that 3 60% scrolls will work out of 5 total 60% scrolls.

• What is the probability that I will get 1 10% scroll to work out of 7 total 10% scrolls?
[7! / ((7-1)!1!)] x (0.1)^1 x (0.9)^6, or binompdf(7,0.1,1) on your TI-83+ calculator.
There is a 37.2% chance that 1 10% scroll will work out of 7 total 10% scrolls.

Table of Multiple Events, k successes out of n trials

I realize that only some of the scroll percent types are listed below - they are the most popular. If you would like to find the probability of another set of occurrences, please use this tool.

70% Scroll
1 success out of 2 trials: 0.42, 42%
1 success out of 3 trials: 0.189, 18.9%
1 success out of 4 trials: 0.0756, 7.56%
1 success out of 5 trials: 0.02835, 2.835%
1 success out of 6 trials: 0.010206, 1.0206%
1 success out of 7 trials: 0.0035721, 0.35721%
1 success out of 8 trials: 0.00122472, 0.122472%
1 success out of 9 trials: 0.000413343, 0.0413343%
1 success out of 10 trials: 0.000137781, 0.0137781%
2 success out of 3 trials: 0.441, 44.1%
2 success out of 4 trials: 0.2646, 26.46%
2 success out of 5 trials: 0.1323, 13.23%
2 success out of 6 trials: 0.059535, 5.9535%
2 success out of 7 trials: 0.0250047, 2.50047%
2 success out of 8 trials: 0.01000188, 1.000188%
2 success out of 9 trials: 0.003857868, 0.3857868%
2 success out of 10 trials: 0.0014467005, 0.14467005%
3 success out of 4 trials: 0.4116, 41.16%
3 success out of 5 trials: 0.3087, 30.87%
3 success out of 6 trials: 0.18522, 18.522%
3 success out of 7 trials: 0.0972405, 9.72405%
3 success out of 8 trials: 0.04667544, 4.667544%
3 success out of 9 trials: 0.021003948, 2.1003948%
3 success out of 10 trials: 0.009001692, 0.9001692%
4 success out of 5 trials: 0.36015, 36.015%
4 success out of 6 trials: 0.324135, 32.4135%
4 success out of 7 trials: 0.2268945, 22.68945%
4 success out of 8 trials: 0.1361367, 13.61367%
4 success out of 9 trials: 0.073513818, 7.3513818%
4 success out of 10 trials: 0.036756909, 3.675690%
5 success out of 6 trials: 0.302526, 30.2526%
5 success out of 7 trials: 0.3176523, 31.76523%
5 success out of 8 trials: 0.25412184, 25.412184%
5 success out of 9 trials: 0.171532242, 17.1532242%
5 success out of 10 trials: 0.1029193542, 10.29193542%
6 success out of 7 trials: 0.2470629, 24.70629%
6 success out of 8 trials: 0.29647548, 29.647548%
6 success out of 9 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
6 success out of 10 trials: 0.200120949, 20.0120949%
7 success out of 8 trials: 0.19765032, 19.765032%
7 success out of 9 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
7 success out of 10 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
8 success out of 9 trials: 0.155649627, 15.5649627%
8 success out of 10 trials: 0.2334744405, 23.34744405%
9 success out of 10 trials: 0.121060821, 12.1060821%

60% Scroll
1 success out of 2 trials: 0.48, 48%
1 success out of 3 trials: 0.288, 28.8%
1 success out of 4 trials: 0.1536, 15.36%
1 success out of 5 trials: 0.0768, 7.68%
1 success out of 6 trials: 0.036864, 3.6864%
1 success out of 7 trials: 0.0172032, 1.72032%
1 success out of 8 trials: 0.00786432, 0.786432%
1 success out of 9 trials: 0.003538944, 0.3538944%
1 success out of 10 trials: 0.001572864, 0.1572864%
2 success out of 3 trials: 0.432, 43.2%
2 success out of 4 trials: 0.3456, 34.56%
2 success out of 5 trials: 0.2304, 23.04%
2 success out of 6 trials: 0.13824, 13.824%
2 success out of 7 trials: 0.0774144, 7.74144%
2 success out of 8 trials: 0.04128768, 4.128768%
2 success out of 9 trials: 0.021233664, 2.1233664%
2 success out of 10 trials: 0.010616832, 1.0616832%
3 success out of 4 trials: 0.3456, 34.56%
3 success out of 5 trials: 0.3456, 34.56%
3 success out of 6 trials: 0.27648, 27.648%
3 success out of 7 trials: 0.193536, 19.3536%
3 success out of 8 trials: 0.12386304, 12.386304%
3 success out of 9 trials: 0.074317824, 7.4317824%
3 success out of 10 trials: 0.042467328, 4.2467328%
4 success out of 5 trials: 0.2592, 25.92%
4 success out of 6 trials: 0.31104, 31.104%
4 success out of 7 trials: 0.290304, 29.0304%
4 success out of 8 trials: 0.2322432, 23.22432%
4 success out of 9 trials: 0.167215104, 16.7215104%
4 success out of 10 trials: 0.111476736, 11.1476736%
5 success out of 6 trials: 0.186624, 18.6624%
5 success out of 7 trials: 0.2612736, 26.12736%
5 success out of 8 trials: 0.27869184, 27.869184%
5 success out of 9 trials: 0.250822656, 25.0822656%
5 success out of 10 trials: 0.2006581248, 20.06581248%
6 success out of 7 trials: 0.1306368, 13.06368%
6 success out of 8 trials: 0.20901888, 20.901888%
6 success out of 9 trials: 0.250822656, 25.0822656%
6 success out of 10 trials: 0.250822656, 25.0822656%
7 success out of 8 trials: 0.08957952, 8.957952%
7 success out of 9 trials: 0.161243136, 16.1243136%
7 success out of 10 trials: 0.214990848, 21.4990848%
8 success out of 9 trials: 0.060466176, 6.0466176%
8 success out of 10 trials: 0.120932352, 12.0932352%
9 success out of 10 trials: 0.040310784, 4.0310784%

30% Scroll
1 success out of 2 trials: 0.42, 42%
1 success out of 3 trials: 0.441, 44.1%
1 success out of 4 trials: 0.4116, 41.16%
1 success out of 5 trials: 0.36015, 36.015%
1 success out of 6 trials: 0.302526, 30.2526%
1 success out of 7 trials: 0.2470629, 24.70629%
1 success out of 8 trials: 0.19765032, 19.765032%
1 success out of 9 trials: 0.155649627, 15.5649627%
1 success out of 10 trials: 0.121060821, 12.1060821%
2 success out of 3 trials: 0.189, 18.9%
2 success out of 4 trials: 0.2646, 26.46%
2 success out of 5 trials: 0.3087, 30.87%
2 success out of 6 trials: 0.324135, 32.4135%
2 success out of 7 trials: 0.3176523, 31.76523%
2 success out of 8 trials: 0.29647548, 29.647548%
2 success out of 9 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
2 success out of 10 trials: 0.2334744405, 23.34744405%
3 success out of 4 trials: 0.0759, 7.59%
3 success out of 5 trials: 0.1323, 13.23%
3 success out of 6 trials: 0.18522, 18.522%
3 success out of 7 trials: 0.2268945, 22.68945%
3 success out of 8 trials: 0.25412184, 25.412184%
3 success out of 9 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
3 success out of 10 trials: 0.266827932, 26.6827932%
4 success out of 5 trials: 0.02835, 2.835%
4 success out of 6 trials: 0.059535, 5.9535%
4 success out of 7 trials: 0.0972405, 9.72405%
4 success out of 8 trials: 0.1361367, 13.61367%
4 success out of 9 trials: 0.171532242, 17.1532242%
4 success out of 10 trials: 0.200120949, 20.0120949%
5 success out of 6 trials: 0.010206, 1.0206%
5 success out of 7 trials: 0.0250047, 2.50047%
5 success out of 8 trials: 0.04667544, 4.667544%
5 success out of 9 trials: 0.073513818, 7.3513818%
5 success out of 10 trials: 0.1029193452, 10.29193452%
6 success out of 7 trials: 0.0035721, 0.35721%
6 success out of 8 trials: 0.01000188, 1.000188%
6 success out of 9 trials: 0.021003948, 2.1003948%
6 success out of 10 trials: 0.036756909, 3.6756909%
7 success out of 8 trials: 0.00122472, 0.122472%
7 success out of 9 trials: 0.003857868, 0.3857868%
7 success out of 10 trials: 0.009001692, 0.9001692%
8 success out of 9 trials: 0.000413343, 0.0413343%
8 success out of 10 trials: 0.0014467005, 0.14467005%
9 success out of 10 trials: 0.000137781, 0.0137781%

10% Scroll
1 success out of 2 trials: 0.18, 18%
1 success out of 3 trials: 0.243, 24.3%
1 success out of 4 trials: 0.2916, 29.16%
1 success out of 5 trials: 0.32805, 32.805%
1 success out of 6 trials: 0.354294, 35.4294%
1 success out of 7 trials: 0.3720087, 37.20087%
1 success out of 8 trials: 0.38263752, 38.263752%
1 success out of 9 trials: 0.387420489, 38.7420489%
1 success out of 10 trials: 0.387420489, 38.7420489%
2 success out of 3 trials: 0.027, 2.7%
2 success out of 4 trials: 0.0486, 4.86%
2 success out of 5 trials: 0.0729, 7.29%
2 success out of 6 trials: 0.098415, 9.8415%
2 success out of 7 trials: 0.1240029, 12.40029%
2 success out of 8 trials: 0.14880348, 14.880348%
2 success out of 9 trials: 0.172186884, 17.2186884%
2 success out of 10 trials: 0.1937102445, 19.37102445%
3 success out of 4 trials: 0.0036, 0.36%
3 success out of 5 trials: 0.0081, 0.81%
3 success out of 6 trials: 0.01458, 1.458%
3 success out of 7 trials: 0.0229635, 2.29635%
3 success out of 8 trials: 0.03306744, 3.306744%
3 success out of 9 trials: 0.044641044, 4.4641044%
3 success out of 10 trials: 0.057395628, 5.7395628%
4 success out of 5 trials: 0.00045, 0.045%
4 success out of 6 trials: 0.001215, 0.1215%
4 success out of 7 trials: 0.0025515, 0.25515%
4 success out of 8 trials: 0.0045927, 0.45927%
4 success out of 9 trials: 0.007440174, 0.7440174%
4 success out of 10 trials: 0.011160261, 1.1160261%
5 success out of 6 trials: 0.000054, 0.0054%
5 success out of 7 trials: 0.0001701, 0.01701%
5 success out of 8 trials: 0.00040824, 0.040824%
5 success out of 9 trials: 0.000826686, 0.0826686%
5 success out of 10 trials: 0.0014880348, 0.14880348%
6 success out of 7 trials: 0.0000063, 0.00063%
6 success out of 8 trials: 0.00002268, 0.002268%
6 success out of 9 trials: 0.000061236, 0.0061236%
6 success out of 10 trials: 0.000137781, 0.0137781%
7 success out of 8 trials: 0.00000072, 0.000072%
7 success out of 9 trials: 0.000002916, 0.0002916%
7 success out of 10 trials: 0.000008748, 0.0008748%
8 success out of 9 trials: 0.000000081, 0.0000081%
8 success out of 10 trials: 0.0000003645, 0.00003645%
9 success out of 10 trials: 0.000000009, 0.0000009% (Good luck!)

Expected Yield

'Expected value' is synonymous with the word mean, or average. The expected yield of a scroll is the approximate mean outcome of multiple scrolls in terms of payout from the scroll (i.e. Weapon Attack, or DEX).

To find the expected yield of a grouping of scrolls, use the following method.
Find the probability of k successes out of n trials for each possible k. Then multiply each of these probabilities by the payout of the scroll multiplied by k. Add each of these permutations.

For example:
• What's the expected yield from using 5 60% Glove Att. scrolls?
[((5!/0!) x (0.6)^0 x (0.4)^5)0] + [((5!/1!) x (0.6)^1 x (0.4)^4)2] + [((5!/2!) x (0.6)^2 x (0.4)^3)4] + [((5!/3!) x (0.6)^3 x (0.4)^2)6] + [((5!/4!) x (0.6)^4 x (0.4)^1)8] + [((5!/5!) x (0.6)^5 x (0.4)^0)10]
The expected yield of 5 60% Glove Att. scrolls is +6 W. Attack. (Yes all those numbers add up to 6 .)

Table of Expected Yields for 7 Slots; Common Weapon Scrolls
Warning: the expected yield counts for Dark (Cursed) Scrolls do not factor in breakage. Also, these are in no way a guaruntee, nor a limit.

Warrior Weapons
Expected yield of 7 70%: +9.8 Attack, +4.9 STR
Expected yield of 7 60%: +8.4 Attack, +4.2 STR
Expected yield of 7 30%: +10.5 Attack, +6.3 STR, +2.1 W. Def.
Expected yield of 7 10%: +3.5 Attack, +2.1 STR, +0.7 W. Def.

Magician Weapons
Expected yield of 7 70%: +9.8 M. Attack, +4.9 INT
Expected yield of 7 60%: +8.4 M. Attack, +4.2 INT
Expected yield of 7 30%: +10.5 M. Attack, +6.3 INT, +2.1 M. Def.
Expected yield of 7 10%: +3.5 M.Attack, +2.1 INT, +0.7 M. Def.

Bowman Weapons
Expected yield of 7 70%: +9.8 Attack, +4.9 ACC
Expected yield of 7 60%: +8.4 Attack, +4.2 ACC
Expected yield of 7 30%: +10.5 Attack, +6.3 ACC, +2.1 DEX.
Expected yield of 7 10%: +3.5 Attack, +2.1 ACC, +0.7 DEX.

Expected yield of 7 70%: +9.8 Attack, +4.9 LUK
Expected yield of 7 60%: +8.4 Attack, +4.2 LUK
Expected yield of 7 30%: +10.5 Attack, +6.3 LUK, +2.1 W. Def.
Expected yield of 7 10%: +3.5 Attack, +2.1 LUK, +0.7 W. Def.

Expected yield of 7 70%: +9.8 Attack, +4.9 ACC
Expected yield of 7 60%: +8.4 Attack, +4.2 ACC
Expected yield of 7 30%: +10.5 Attack, +6.3 ACC, +2.1 LUK.
Expected yield of 7 10%: +3.5 Attack, +2.1 ACC, +0.7 LUK.

Is scrolling this worth my money?

This is a common question among Maplers, yet many don't know how to go about finding out. With scroll prices through the ceiling (especially Claw Scrolls), it is imperative that you know when to use scrolls, where to use scrolls, and if to use scrolls. How do we go about finding this out? By using expected yield!

When to Scroll
As aforementioned, scrolling takes funding, and placing your hard-earned mesos in the hands of pure chance can be grueling. That being said, here are a few tips on how to know when to scroll:
• Do not attempt scrolling unless you have sufficient funding to prepare for the worst. Say for example I have 14 mil. and I buy 7 60% Staff Scrolls for 2 mil. each. If you end up with only 0-2 working, you would have financial instability. This is why it is important to never engage in scrolling unless you have mesos to spare after the scrolling.
• Attempt scrolling your weapon when you have sufficient funding. The weapon should be the first item upgraded for your set of equipments. They give the highest expected yield for the amount of mesos they cost.
• Attempt scrolling your other equips (determine some order of importance or worth) when you have over-sufficient funding, or in other words, mesos to blow .
• Attempt scrolling when training gets slow - if there's no way to make the experience better from changing griding monsters, you can kill faster with the addition of these wonderful scrolls. Don't limit yourself to just power scrolls, though - Speed, Jump, Avoidability, and Accuracy are all important factors in increasing your killing speed.
• Attempt scrolling when you have over-sufficient funding and you're bored. Seriously, it's pretty fun.

Where to Scroll (and if!)
No, this section doesn't tell you that you should use your scrolls in Channel 6 at some exact location on a Tuesday night from 6 to 7 PM. The objective of this section is to show the reader which equipments to scroll based on their mesos.

After determining that it's time to scroll from a reason in the above section, there is a method of finding which scrolls will give you the best chance of getting the highest yield; use as follows.
Find the expected yields for all of the scroll groupings being questioned, then find the price of each and divide the yields by that price.

For example:
• Which will give me the most DEX per meso: 5 60% Glove DEX, 5 60% Overall DEX, or 5 70% Earring DEX?
Expected yield of 60% Glove DEX: +3 DEX / 500,000 mesos = 0.000006
Expected yield of 60% Overall DEX: +6 DEX / 3,500,000 mesos = 0.000001714
Expected yield of 70% Earring DEX: +6 DEX / 6,000,000 mesos = 0.000001
60% Glove DEX will give about 0.6 DEX per 100,000 mesos,
60% Overall DEX will give about 0.17 DEX per 100,000 mesos,
and 70% Earring DEX will give about 0.1 DEX per 100,000 mesos.

The above method and example were on a fixed n, or number of scrolls used. But what if you have a fixed amount of mesos to spend? Use the following method.
Find the amount of mesos you are using to scroll, then find how many scrolls you can buy using that money - group by similarity. Then use the expected yield calculation. (You won't need to divide by the amount of mesos used unless you don't use all of the mesos set aside for scrolling for a certain group of scrolls)

For example:
• I have 10 mil. to scroll. What will give me the most Magic Attack for my money?
With 10 mil. I can buy 5 60% Earring INT Scrolls, 3 60% Cape INT Scrolls, or 2 60% Overall INT Scrolls.
Expected yield of 5 60% Earring INT: +9 Magic Attack (combined INT and Magic Attack)
Expected yield of 3 60% Cape INT: +3.6 Magic Attack
Expected yield of 2 60% Overall INT: +2.4 Magic Attack
Therefore, from these prices (they will vary), 60% Earring INT will give the most yield for 10 mil.

Disproving Popular Scrolling "Strategies"

Dummy Scrolling
Many people claim to have had astounding luck with this method - so lucky that 'dummy scrolling' must've been a way for them to increase their scrolling probabilities, right? Wrong!
Dummy Scrolling is using cheap scrolls on cheap items with the intention of failing them in order to raise the probability of the following scroll on the real item. Obviously, the maker of this strategy phenomenum forgot that scroll outcomes are INDEPENDENT events, thus the outcome of one individual scroll does not affect the outcome of another. This method is very similar to the Law of Averages that some people quote heartedly, though the Law of Averages actually does not exist and is false! Due to the "Law of Averages," if you toss 6 coins and they all end up heads, your next coin toss is probably going to be a tails - wrong! The toss is still 50% because the events are independent. Likewise, you cannot use dummy scrolling and a combination of the Law of Averages to assume that you can raise your probabilities.

Ritualistic Scrolling
Now, I admit; I use scrolling rituals. They're fun in a way, but in reality: they are false. Lots of people have special scrolling spots, channels, and rituals, but I'm here to break it to you: it doesn't make a bit of difference. Nowhere is exempt to the rules of statistics, thus wherever and whenever you scroll, you always have the same probability. Recall the 'Bob the snail' and Red Skullcap phenomena - those, too, are false for the reason shown above.

Gamblers' Fallacy
I suppose it's a stretch to call this a "strategy," but here we go. Gamblers' Fallacy, which plays hand in hand with the Law of Averages, is when the gambler, or scroller in this case, uses the Law of Averages to assume the next outcomes. For instance, say I used 4 60% Overall LUK Scrolls on my bathrobe and they all failed . Gamblers' Fallacy is assuming that the next one will work because it's due to occur. This is false and by assuming this, you will only be disappointed.

Legendary Spirit (pointed out by Kazoothebat)
Legengary Spirit is a skill attained by a quest that allows people of any job or level to scroll any item. It has come to my attention that some people think that using this skill gives them a greater success rate, however, this is completely false. Though having this skill allows you to scroll, for example, a level 80 thief shoe if you're a level 40 wizard, it will not increase the probability of success of the scroll you are using.


White Scrolls

This section is for those of you who are looking to "BSUCLA" your equipment using White Scrolls. I am assuming that if you have this much mesos to go through with this endeavor then you will be using 10% scrolls.

5 Slot Item
(0.1)(10) = 1 success. (10)(5) = 5 success.
The expected number of 10% Scroll / White Scroll combinations that will need to be used to fill up a 5 slot item is 50.

7 Slot Item
(0.1)(10) = 1 success. (10)(7) = 7 success.
The expected number of 10% Scroll / White Scroll combinations that will need to be used to fill up a 7 slot item is 70.

10 Slot Item
(0.1)(10) = 1 success. (10)(10) = 10 success.
The expected number of 10% Scroll / White Scroll combinations that will need to be used to fill up a 10 slot item is 100.

Clean Slate Scrolls

Clean slate scrolls are an addition to the variety of scrolls in Patch 0.56. With a small success rate, they regain lost slots.

Probability of the Clean Slate Scroll as a Single Event
1% Clean Slate Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.01, 1%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.97, 97%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.02, 2%

3% Clean Slate Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.03, 3%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.91, 91%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.06, 6%

5% Clean Slate Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.05, 5%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.85, 85%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.1, 10%

20% Clean Slate Scroll
Probability of success, 1 event: 0.2, 20%
Probability of failure, no destruction, 1 event: 0.4, 40%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.4, 40%

Probability of the Clean Slate Scroll as Multiple Events
1% Clean Slate Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.01, 1%
2 consecutive success: 0.0001, 0.01%
3 consecutive success: 0.000001, 0.0001%
4 consecutive success: 0.00000001, 0.000001%
5 consecutive success: 0.0000000001, 0.00000001%
6 consecutive success: 0.000000000001, 0.0000000001%
7 consecutive success: 0.00000000000001, 0.000000000001%
8 consecutive success: 0.0000000000000001, 0.00000000000001%
9 consecutive success: 0.000000000000000001, 0.0000000000000001%
10 consecutive success: 0.00000000000000000001, 0.000000000000000001%

The following are probabilities for consecutive failure with NO destruction.
1 consecutive failure: 0.97, 97%
2 consecutive failure: 0.9409, 94.09%
3 consecutive failure: 0.912673, 91.2673%
4 consecutive failure: 0.88529281, 88.529281%
5 consecutive failure: 0.8587340257, 85.87340257%
6 consecutive failure: 0.8329720049, 83.29720049%
7 consecutive failure: 0.8079828448, 80.79828448%
8 consecutive failure: 0.7837433594, 78.37433594%
9 consecutive failure: 0.7602310587, 76.02310587%
10 consecutive failure: 0.7374241269, 73.74241269%

3% Clean Slate Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.03, 3%
2 consecutive success: 0.0009, 0.09%
3 consecutive success: 0.000027, 0.0027%
4 consecutive success: 0.00000081, 0.000081%
5 consecutive success: 0.0000000243, 0.00000243%
6 consecutive success: 0.000000000729, 0.0000000729%
7 consecutive success: 0.00000000002187, 0.000000002187%
8 consecutive success: 0.0000000000006561, 0.00000000006561%
9 consecutive success: 0.000000000000019683, 0.0000000000019683%
10 consecutive success: 0.00000000000000059049, 0.000000000000059049%

The following are probabilities for consecutive failure with NO destruction.
1 consecutive failure: 0.91, 91%
2 consecutive failure: 0.8281, 82.81%
3 consecutive failure: 0.753571, 75.3571%
4 consecutive failure: 0.68574961, 68.574961%
5 consecutive failure: 0.6240321451, 62.40321451%
6 consecutive failure: 0.567869252, 56.7869252%
7 consecutive failure: 0.5167610194, 51.67610194%
8 consecutive failure: 0.4702525276, 47.02525276%
9 consecutive failure: 0.4279298001, 42.79298001%
10 consecutive failure: 0.3894161181, 38.94161181%

5% Clean Slate Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.05, 5%
2 consecutive success: 0.0025, 0.25%
3 consecutive success: 0.000125, 0.0125%
4 consecutive success: 0.00000625, 0.00625%
5 consecutive success: 0.0000003125, 0.0003125%
6 consecutive success: 0.000000015625, 0.0000015626%
7 consecutive success: 0.00000000078125, 0.000000078125%
8 consecutive success: 0.0000000000390625, 0.00000000390625%
9 consecutive success: 0.000000000001953125, 0.0000000001953125%
10 consecutive success: 0.00000000000009765625, 0.000000000009765625%

The following are probabilities for consecutive failure with NO destruction.
1 consecutive failure: 0.85, 85%
2 consecutive failure: 0.7225, 72.25%
3 consecutive failure: 0.614125, 61.4125%
4 consecutive failure: 0.52200625, 52.200625%
5 consecutive failure: 0.4437053125, 44.37053125%
6 consecutive failure: 0.3771495156, 37.71495156%
7 consecutive failure: 0.3205770883, 32.05770883%
8 consecutive failure: 0.272490525, 27.2490525%
9 consecutive failure: 0.2316169463, 23.16169463%
10 consecutive failure: 0.1968744043, 19.68744043%

20% Clean Slate Scroll
1 consecutive success: 0.2, 20%
2 consecutive success: 0.04, 4%
3 consecutive success: 0.008, 0.8%
4 consecutive success: 0.0016, 0.16%
5 consecutive success: 0.00032, 0.032%
6 consecutive success: 0.000064, 0.0064%
7 consecutive success: 0.0000128, 0.00128%
8 consecutive success: 0.00000256, 0.000256%
9 consecutive success: 0.000000512, 0.0000512%
10 consecutive success: 0.0000001024, 0.00001024%

The following are probabilities for consecutive failure with or without destruction.
1 consecutive failure: 0.4, 40%
2 consecutive failure: 0.16, 16%
3 consecutive failure: 0.064, 6.4%
4 consecutive failure: 0.0256, 2.56%
5 consecutive failure: 0.01024, 1.024%
6 consecutive failure: 0.004096, 0.4096%
7 consecutive failure: 0.0016384, 0.16384%
8 consecutive failure: 0.00065536, 0.065536%
9 consecutive failure: 0.000262144, 0.0262144%
10 consecutive failure: 0.0001048576, 0.01048576%

I realize that there potentially could be an infinite number of Clean Slate scrolls used on an item since they do not consume a slot. However, I am stopping the tables at 10 consecutive due to the low odds of 10 consecutive successes or failures and due to the sheer length of the table. Nonetheless, it is plausible that someone uses more than 10 Clean Slate scrolls, and in order to find consecutive probabilities for those, as aforementioned in the section entitled 'Multiple Events in Succession,' link, take the probability of the scroll's success and raise it to the power of the number of scrolls you are using.

Chaos Scrolls

Probability of the Chaos Scroll as a Single Event
Probability of success, (Any change), 1 event: 0.6, 60%
Probability of success, Net (overall) Positive change, 1 event: 0.3, 30%
• Probability of success, +5 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, +4 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, +3 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, +2 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, +1 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
Probability of success, Net (overall) Negative change, 1 event: 0.3, 30%
• Probability of success, -5 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, -4 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, -3 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, -2 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
• Probability of success, -1 stat points, 1 event: 0.06, 6%
Probability of failure, destruction, 1 event: 0.4, 40%

Deviations of Success Effects
The distribution of effects upon scroll success are integers from -5 to 5, excluding 0, which is a failure and subsequent destruction.
Assuming that each deviation has an equal probability of occurrence, each deviation has a probability of 0.06, 6%, meaning that your Chaos Scroll has a 30% chance of adding or subtracting stat points on an overall basis. (See above)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Merchanting success in Maplestory.

Merchanting is the process of getting things in Maplestory and selling them for a profit. It’s the best way to get rich in the game.

Anyways, I decided to write this merchanting guide when I realized something: people really hate reading guides. I sure know I do. When I see a really, really, really long guide on Basilmarket, I’m like... “damn.” Often, it’s so long that many people don’t even bother reading it.

I then realized that a lot of my guides are really, really, really long. So now I’ve written my third meso-making guide. Except this time, I’m making it extra simple. I’ve condensed my merchanting knowledge so that you only have to read the bolded parts (including headers). However, if you decide to only read the bolded parts, some guesswork will be involved while performing a lot of the steps in this guide.

Note: Due to various reasons, the method described this guide will only work in GMS. And since prices of items vary from server to server, feel free to experiment with prices

Smartguy’s Six-Step Process to Becoming a Merchant
If you don’t even want to read the bolded parts of my guide, the table of contents here pretty much outlines the entire process, except without the details.

Step 1: Get some money to start with
-Do the quest “Subani’s Legacy”
-Kill monsters that drop a lot of mesos and valuable etc. items
Step 2: Get a store
-Open the store in a Channel 1 FM room with a low number
-Sell items for 10-50% higher than Basilmarket price
Step 3: Make money by selling stuff from NPCs
-Make and sell WGs
-Buy and sell bathrobes
Step 4: Learn the prices of items
Step 5: Buy and sell stuff from other players
-Buy from stores in the FM
-Buy from people selling in the FM entrance
Step 6: Congrats, you’re a merchant
So you don’t like this method? Too bad.
Useful Links

Step 1: Get some money to start with
You need money to make money. Nobody literally starts merchanting from zero mesos; people need at least a couple hundred thousand mesos to begin with. I personally recommend you have at least 1 million mesos and a store (we’ll discuss that in Step 2). How to get that money:

Do the quest Subani’s Legacy. It’s the easiest quest in Maplestory to give a good reward EVERY time. This quest will give you a glove attack 60% scroll, worth at least a couple million mesos on Basilmarket (depending on the inflation). That’s enough to skip the next part of this step, if you want. If not, then:

Kill monsters that drop a lot of mesos and valuable etc. items. My recommendations:
• Leprechauns- They’re located in the Phantom Forest, spawning as meso bags, and should be easy to kill for anyone above level 40. They drop 800-2000 mesos every time you kill one, which is more than 10 times more than other monster their level. The best place to find Leprechauns is in the map Creeping Evil, but that’s really hard to reach, so just kill them in the maps around the Haunted Mansion.

• Sakura Cellions- These are for people who can’t kill Leprechauns. Sakura Cellions are best for people between level 30 and 40. They drop 200-300 mesos and Cellion Tails, which can be sold for 400+ mesos each in a store (Step 2!), or about half as much on Basilmarket.

• Miner Zombies- They’re located in the Dead Mine. Miner Zombies are generally for people above level 50, since you can’t even access the Dead Mine until then. They drop Zombie’s Lost Gold Teeth, which sell for 100-200k each in a store. They also drop regular Zombie Teeth, which sell for 500+ mesos each in a store, or about half as much on Basilmarket.

Step 2: Get a store
Buy a Regular Store Permit from the NX Cash Shop for 1800 NX Cash.

You need a store to sell thing efficiently at a reasonable profit. Merchanting from Basilmarket takes too long and doesn’t guarantee profits. Selling things in the FM Entrance takes forever if you want to get a good price (though it’s faster than Basilmarket). In a store, you can sell things for noticeably more than Basilmarket. Usually, the prices are 10-50% higher. The more expensive an item is, the lower the percentage becomes. For example, an item worth 1 million mesos on Basilmarket can be sold for 1.5 million in a store, but an item worth 100 million mesos on Basilmarket can only be sold for 110 million mesos in a store.

If you can’t get NX from your parents, you have two options:

1. Get free NX from Nexon. On their official website, Nexon offers free NX credit if you complete certain offers (i.e. surveys, promotions, etc.) provided by rewards sites. The amount of NX rewarded varies, but you should be able to get enough NX for a store within 30 minutes. You should use a junk email account and fake personal information when completing the offer. Also, this method doesn’t really work outside of the U.S.

2. Sell things in the MTS. The meso:NX conversion ratio varies, but you’ll probably have to sell at least 20 million mesos worth of items for a store.

You should aim to open a store in the rooms of the Channel 1 FM. The lower the number of the room you’re in, the better. In more crowded servers, try to avoid opening shop in the bottom row (especially FM 1-3), since merchanting guilds tend to harass casual merchants there. Speed helps newbies get good store spots, so copy-paste your store title and boost your speed with speed equips, speed potions, and skills like Haste when looking. If you can’t find a spot on your first try, don’t give up. Just come back a few minutes later and try again.

Step 3: Make money by selling stuff from NPCs
A lot of rich people are willing to buy common items from stores for greatly inflated prices instead of actually getting the stuff themselves, simply because it’s more convenient. Getting these things costs little money and reselling them in your store is a good way to start merchanting. What you should buy and resell:

Make Work Gloves and resell them for 200k+ each in your store. To make a Work Glove, you need to give 15 leathers and 1k to “JM From tha Streetz” in Kerning City. You can buy leathers for 1-5k mesos each by spamming “B>Leathers” in the FM Entrance, Henesys, Kerning City, and other places. However, this may not always work. An alternative method is to kill monsters that drop leathers.

Buy bathrobes from the Showa Bathhouse and resell them for 100k+ each in your store. This is probably the easiest method available, assuming you’re level 50 or above. Otherwise, you’ll risk dying on the trip to Showa. The Bathrobes cost 30k each at the Showa Bathhouse, so assuming you have an empty equipment inventory, you can nearly 1 million mesos per run.

You can also try alternatives, such as reselling Summoning Rocks and All-cure Potions from Alcaster of El Nath, or Icicles and All-cure Potions from Mo of the Phantom Forest. However, both of these options involve doing a long series of pre-quests, which may not be worth the effort.

Step 4: Learn the prices of items
You need to notice deals when you see them. Knowing the specific price of every item isn’t necessary; all you need to remember is the general price range of popular items. For example, you don’t need to know that a GFA (scroll for glove for attack) is worth exactly 6 million mesos in the FM. You just need to be able to recognize that a GFA being sold for 4 million mesos is a good deal.

If you’re having problems remembering prices, merchant in Windowed Mode and keep your browser open at all times. This way, you can check Basilmarket any time you need help. Basilmarket is a great way to find out what prices you should be buying and selling at. However, don’t check Basilmarket while in the middle of a trade- check beforehand.

If you can’t/don’t want to always be checking Basilmarket, you can write down a list of prices of important items on a piece of paper and refer to that instead. This is faster than checking Basilmarket, so it’s good for making quick decisions in the FM. However, it requires a lot of updating, since inflation and deflation can totally screw up prices in less than a week. And, of course, you won’t be able to cover every item.

Step 5: Buy and sell stuff from other players
Once you get a comfortable amount of money, practice normal merchanting. Normal merchanting involves buying items from other players for low prices and selling them for higher prices in your store. Or, to put it simply, buy low and sell high.

Most guides recommend spamming “B>Scrolls” in the FM Entrance, but I can assure you, spamming is total bullcrap. Newbie merchants can no longer compete with professional spammers, who use bots to spam on multiple accounts at a time. Instead, you should look for alternative methods of finding deals. You can:

Browse through stores in the FM. Though most stores in the FM sell things overpriced, every once in a while, you will pass buy a store that sells things at a reasonable price. It won’t necessarily be a cheap price, but that doesn’t matter; an average price on Basilmarket is a low price in the FM. For example, if the Basil price of a GFA is 6 million mesos and you see a store in the FM selling one for that much, then it’s a good deal because you can sell it in your store for more.

The best stores to search are usually in the 3rd, 4th, and sometimes 2nd row of the Channel 1 FM. The bottom row is almost always overpriced.

Hang around the FM entrance and wait for deals. Most good deals come from you trading other people, rather than having other people trade you. The moment you see someone in the FM Entrance selling an item, trade him and ask him to offer his price. It’s ideal that he offers first, to see how much room you have to negotiate. If he offers a slightly too-high price, try convincing him to lower it to the Basilmarket price (at most). If he offers a total ripoff price, well, it’s still worth a shot to try to haggle it down. If he offers a very good price, then it’s your call whether you want to risk haggling.

If you have to offer, try offering a moderately low price (maybe half or two-thirds Basilmarket price). Don’t worry about rejection. You’ll get better over time. Besides, it’s the internet. Who cares?

Step 6: Congrats, you’re a merchant.
Pop that champagne. Well, you’re probably not old enough to drink in the United States.

Anyways, that’s basically it. There’s no big secret to becoming a merchant; all it requires is time and hard work (sort of). There are more ways to make money and many other tricks to learn, but once you get the hang of Step 5, you’ve pretty much learned the basic form of merchanting. Just lather, rinse, and repeat.

Merchanting requires PRACTICE. Don’t be down on yourself when you only make 1-2 million mesos in an hour. You’ll get better once you get more practice. You’re not going to make 50 million mesos in an hour on your first try. In fact, the only reason the “pro” merchants can make so much money is because they’re already made a crapload of money before. It’s a hell of a lot easier to make 50 million mesos when you have one billion mesos to invest. With that much money, you barely even need a 5% profit margin to make 99% of Basilmarket jealous.

So you don’t like this method? Too bad.
Like I said earlier, this is a SIMPLE guide. I’m not going to cover every single merchanting tip or method out there. This guide just highlights what I think is the best way to become a merchant in Maplestory. If you have any constructive criticism or helpful advice, feel free to post. By the way, flaming is not constructive.